Friday, April 1, 2011

Food Dye Linked To ADHD

There have been several major news stories about food dyes and hyperactivity this week.
The reports, although inconclusive, are saying that they "believe dyes to be safe". I've read about this for years now, and I do not believe everything the government or the FDA tells us.

We've gone dye free for awhile now in my house. The truth of the matter is, if it has dye in it - it isn't good for you anyway. Take a look at the examples of food with dye in it listed in this article - Cheetos, Sodas, Candy, etc. Kids shouldn't be eating those anyway!

There are easy things you can do to make a transition.
Instead of:
M & M's --> Rasinettes
Cheetos --> Baked Lays
Eggo Waffles (surprise!!) --> Van's or Trader Joe's waffles
Orange Soda --> Orange Juice
Dum Dum Lollipops --> Trader Joe's Organic Pops
Colored Goldfish --> Baked cheddar Goldfish
Nutrigrain Bars (yes, these have dye!!) --> Trader Joe's Bars (So this..... walked into a bar...)

Bottom line is, read your labels, there are healthy swaps you can make and tell your kids why you are making them.
I tell my kids all the time, if it grew in nature, it's not that bad for you!

Link to full news article is here.

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