Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dangers of Triclosan (Found in antibacterial products)

I watch channel 2 news at 11pm every night. Cannot sleep without watching it and part of the reason is their “feature” of the night.
Lately, it’s been right up my alley reporting on dangers and poisons found in every day items.

Several nights ago Triclosan was the topic. Oh Triclosan and I go way back…. I’ve known about it for as long as I’ve known about parabens. It’s a bad one!

What is Triclosan? Triclosan is a harmful chemical that is found in anti-bacterial and anti-fungal soap. It is a pesticide. It kills human cells. Its safety is under review with the FDA. Are you still using this? Are you still letting your kids use this? If you think that perhaps the small usage is has will not harm you or your children consider that you are polluting the environment with it, and that it’s polluting our waters and hurting the Earth.

Bath and Body Works is a huge offender of using this chemical in their products. If you shop there, I recommend you stop at once.

Do not fear, you can still be clean. Soap and water do the trick just fine, as well as alcohol based cleansers and my personal favorite product that I keep in my bag and at my desk – Clean Well. “Like” it on facebook here:
Find out more info from their website here:

You can buy Clean Well at Target, Whole Foods and

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fish Oil and ADHD

This is a post close to my heart.

My daughter might have ADHD or be ADHD, I don't even know the correct term for it.
She also just might be a sassy-pain-in-the-ass who doesn't care what you think.

The jury is still out on that one.

But since I am a known figure at the school and in the psychiatrist's office, I do take her behavior and restlessness quite serious.
Recently I came across several articles online and in print about the benefits of fish oil and it's direct affect on ADHD symptoms.

I ran this by my BFF, who I run all things past - and my asks to her run the gamut (i.e. should I run away from my family while they sleep? or should I buy red shoes?) - and she concurred that this might be some solid advice.

I shared with her a link I found on about yummy tasting gummy fish oil supplements.
She replied (oh how I love her) - Trader Joe's has a version for half the price.

Don't they really just have EVERYTHING one would need????

So, off I went to TJ's (always looking for an excuse) and I purchased some gummies for 8.99 and my daughter likes them and takes them with pride. She tells her sitter "they help me focus".

Might take three months to see the results, but improving at the end of second grade is better than NOTHING.