Tuesday, February 1, 2011

For the Mamas (& kids by default) : Great Book Reviews

Taking a break today from the healthy eating and habits topic to discuss emotional well-being. We have kids, we yell. We have friends, we get upset. We have sisters/brothers/inlaws that all irk us from time to time....so whether or not you have children THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.
It's definitely a hard concept to grasp and the book is a bit repetitive - but the theory is this:
If you let your kids know that you understand how they feel, if you give them a chance to express those feelings of frustration, anger and other raw emotions - and you reflect that back to them, they will diffuse much quicker and there will be no need for screaming. (You can also try this with your mother in law- it works!)
What are these magic books?

This is sold at all major book stores if you are the brick and mortar type.
To be green - I borrowed and read both of these from my local library but I think it might be wise to own one so that you can refer back to it.

Nothing will change over night but these are good skill sets to learn.
Happy reading!

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