Friday, January 14, 2011

Do you take your shoes off?

Seems even Dr. Oz agrees that taking off your shoes in your home prevents unwanted chemicals and other disgusting waste from entering that can make you and your family ill.

Here is some back up research. Now take those shoes off and buy your tooties some slippers!

Full Article is Here.

The proof for the pudding is here:
3. Your shoes: Do you keep your shoes on in your house? Yes, this is a controversial issue -- those who like to keep their shoes on, thankyouverymuch, may take offense to rhetoric about removing shoes at the door. But, there has been a mounting amount of research in the past years indicating that what we track in on the bottom of our souls could be making us sick -- from chemicals lingering on sidewalks and roads to the microbes you picked up in the public restroom. In fact, some health experts consider taking shoes off in your home as a way that anyone can improve their health. Even the super-doc Dr. Mehmet Oz suggested this year that it was on his top-5 list of things he'd recommend people do. So take those shoes off, darlings!

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